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Contact Us:


Thank you for your interest in AYS GROUP COMPANY. 

Kindly Download The "Compay Profile" & "Project Profile " for your references.


Head Office

Suite A-26-03, Block A, I-Sohotower I-City, 

Selangor Golden Triangle, Section 7,

40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Telephone : +603-5030 5288

Facsimile : +603-5870 2188

Mobile :

019-655 0744 (Sharah - Project Manager)

016-688 0744 (Yusrie - Project Director)

011-5860 5570 (AYS Group Coordinator)


Terengganu Branch Office

TD1303, Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin, ,

2000 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Telephone : +603-5030 5288

Facsimile : +603-5870 2188

Mobile :

016-6880744 (Yusrie- Project Director)

010-862 2700 (Syamsul - Project Director)

011- 5860 5570 (AYS Group Coordinator)​


Sabah Branch Office

TB11892, Lot 26B, Taman Meteor 2,

Jalan Sin On,91000, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Telephone : +6089-712646

Facsimile : +6089-712646

Mobile :

016-688 0744 (Yusrie - Project Director)

013-8901786 (Sani - Project Executive)

011-5860 5570 (AYS Group Coordinator)


Sarawak Branch Office

Lot 221, Blok 7, Kalaka Land,

Jalan Roban Nyabor, Sungai Jabey, 

94650, Kabong, Sarawak, Malaysia

Mobile :

019-655 0744 (Sharah- Project Manager)

016-6880744 (Yusrie -Project Director)

011- 5860 5570 (AYS Group Coordinator)


If you have inquiries, please let us know by filling the form below. We will revert to you soonest possible.

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"Your partner in Hospitality Project Consultation".
We design, build, 
and manage every project with expertise and experience

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